L's–No Losses, Just Lessons

The journey of creating a brand is riddled with Ls. So far, I’ve worked mostly alone. Many collaborators are building their own creative venture, making this process lonelier and the climb toward success steeper. Nonetheless, I am eternally grateful for the generous souls who help make this process possible.

Capitalism is advertised.

Capitalism is advertised as the gateway to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

People’s wallets are more strained than ever. Achieving a happy, fulfilling life feels out of touch for most Americans I talk to. I estimate many of Earth’s citizens feel similarly. Since the election, I believe many people are united in grief—awestruck at the outcome. Life must go on. I am inspired by anger, pain, sorrow, spite, and love to assume control as the captain of my fate.

The 75th post of the Chicago series marks the end of an experiment to acquire followers on the Instagram account. If I conducted this experiment 10 years ago, my account would have blown up. The old days are never coming back. Entertainment and social media has evolved.

My pursuit was misguided, and I learned that I don’t actually want followers—I want to give people true value. To give you true value. I’m not here to hack people’s attention spans for $$$. Hopefully this archive of work is appreciated. I am grateful for my life, and knowing that I created a brand prioritizes, and does not exploit, human beings.

I do not set out to be a politician. I want to learn, inspire, seize every day of life, make dope shit with my friends and share love, resources, and happiness via art, design, and conversations.

My connections to art are comics, clothes, and design. My connection to design is from my parents who I honor by cherishing and honing each gift they’ve bestowed upon me. To solve problems without swords is the noblest craft.

If I do this, I know I will be happy and I will look forward to every day on earth. There’s a good chance that I’ll pour thousands of hours and dollars into the seed of this brand, but if I get to put some money in my friends’ pockets and make the world more beautiful tomorrow than it was today, then my life will be perfect.